Everything is Embarrassing

Fashion and Culture

Category: outfit



To celebrate our new style column at my school’s newspaper, my friend Skye and I decided to have a photo shoot during lunch. I am excited to finally have a friend who insisted on retaking her series of photographs due to the fact that her over-the-knee socks had fallen below the knee. While researching various fashion blogs as inspiration for our column, Skye decided that her favorite fashion blog is Cupcakes and Cashmere.


Skye often cites Blair Waldorf as her style inspiration, and that is another reason why we are friends. She had a bit of a meltdown the other day when she found out that Rugby Ralph Lauren is going out of business because that is where she buys all of her clothes. When I remarked that her comments that she is “weaning herself” off of Rugby Ralph Lauren clothing made her sound like a drug addict, she simply laughed and responded that she is “addicted to Rugby Ralph Lauren.” I have definitely found my fashion partner in crime.


A few people on the street stared at us like we were crazy, but we were completely unapologetic because having a photo shoot during lunch seemed appropriate.


I kind of died over her biker boots, because the buckles were fabulous and complimented her preppy outfit perfectly.


Skye forced me to upload this to her Facebook wall after I commented that it looked like a still from a Pantene commercial, and it could also be a photograph from a Rugby Ralph Lauren catalogue.


These boots are literally perfect.



My hair looks fabulous again because I dyed it back to my natural hair color.


I’ve only worn this blazer and these booties a handful of times, and I’ve only worn this blouse once. I decided to wear this outfit because it looked professional without feeling stuffy or overly mature. Even when I’m trying to look sophisticated, I like to keep it youthful because I hate when young people look too mature. I think you can be simultaneously elegant and youthful, so I’m careful when I’m choosing preppy pieces like blazers or blouses.


I love these booties.

Skye’s Clothing Credits: Duffle Coat, Rugby Ralph Lauren; Tartan Shorts, Rugby Ralph Lauren; Ruffle Shirt, Rugby Ralph Lauren; Suede Patch Pullover, Rugby Ralph Lauren; Boots, Lucky Brand; Knee Socks, Hue

Isabella’s Clothing Credits: Blazer, Gap;  Blouse, Gap; Jeans, Old Navy; Shoes, Steve Madden

Leather and Stripes


Winter often depresses me because the weather is usually pretty dismal where I live, and the snow that does fall usually gets destroyed by mud and rain. While I get my Winter wardrobe put together, I’m posting photographs of a few Autumn outfits that I was too occupied to post at the proper time. The above cardigan is one of my favorite cardigans because it’s Missoni for Target and because the colors are flawless. I’ve been wearing it with jeans lately because I don’t own many skirts, and because I like the silhouette of a cardigan with skinny jeans.


Ignore my hideous hair in the above photograph, because this was taken before I finally dyed my hair back to my natural hair color. I really like the back of this top, because it’s very intricate and elegant.


I’ve become obsessed with driving shoes. I already own two pairs. This pair is definitely my favorite pair because the color is bright without being garish and because they’re somehow more regal and more elegant than ballet flats.


Once again, ignore my awful hair in the above photograph. The sweater shown here recently died, and I’m pretty devastated about it. The sleeve caught on something and became irreparably mangled. I loved that sweater, and I’m already looking for a replacement. Charcoal gray over-sized sweaters are always my favorite sweaters. I still own this leather jacket, and it’s one of my favorite jackets. I like it because it’s tailored and versatile, and because it’s simultaneously tough and feminine.


A horrid closeup of my awful hair.

Clothing credits (from top): Cardigan, Missoni for Target; Top, brand unknown; shoes, Gap; Jeans, Old Navy; Jacket, H&M; Sweater, Gap; Top, brand unknown; Boots, Gap; Barrette, Forever21


Sunglasses, Rue 21; Jacket, Forever 21; Blouse, Old Navy; Jeans, American Eagle Outfitters; Boots, Steve Madden

I should probably mention that I did not actually wear this outfit to school. The top is against the dress code, and the first and only time I wore it to school was cheerless because I was scolded by the principal. I’m currently playing with different kinds of outerwear, particularly varsity jackets and sweaters. I think I’m trying to become the female version of Jim Stark. I’ve also started listening to the Talking Heads, and I’m scandalized that their song Psycho Killer has never been used during a high school power walk movie sequence. I bought the sunglasses impulsively because I felt the need to be a character in a John Hughes movie. I’m not smiling at the camera because I am an angsty teenager. 

Sunglasses, Rue 21; Sweater, Abercrombie & Fitch; Jeans, Old Navy; Shoes (not pictured here), Gap

I wore this outfit to school because it was appropriate and because it is so unironically preppy. I’m grimacing at the camera because I was starving when this picture was taken, and because I am physically incapable of genuinely smiling at any living thing. Also, I have chronic bitchface.